The Freedom and Justice Plan
for Arlington, Virginia


Freedom from this pandemic.

Free to work.

  • Secure Our Jobs and Tax Base:  Grow higher education, healthcare, federal government, hospitality, tourism, and green tech sectors.
  • Support Our Small Businesses:  Launch public-private projects to provide financial grants and “buy local” marketing promotions. Eliminate the business license tax for the smallest businesses.

Free to learn.

  • Return to School:  Work with the School Board in getting the resources needed to allow full in-person learning at all grade levels as soon as safely possible. Reopen all libraries and community centers.
  • Call the Community:  Call all hands on deck to heal our families and reverse learning loss in children.

Free to live.

  • End the Pandemic:  Be aggressive, adaptable, and accountable in rolling out vaccines to the entire population, especially with unreached communities.
  • Close the Digital Divide:  Declare that all Arlingtonians will have universal access to fast, affordable internet and devices by 2023.
  • Keep Us Safe:  Ensure accessible streets, sidewalks, and trails free of crime and collisions.
  • Keep Us Housed:  Fight for rent relief. Lower real estate taxes and fees. Allow more housing types. Enable nonprofit community land trusts. Create regional master plans.

Justice for all.

Economic Justice

  • Pay Workers More:  Encourage and publicize employers who pay above the minimum wage.
  • Increase Budget Accountability:  Add staffing to the 1-person County Auditor’s office so that they can actually complete audits each year as planned.

Environmental Justice

  • Grow More Green:  Trade increased building density for more green, open space and biophilic design.
  • Manage Growth and Infrastructure:  Mandate county staff to use advanced planning tools, detailed impact assessments, and long-range budgets when presenting new developments and programs.

Social Justice

  • Local Form of Government Update:  Explore revising Arlington’s almost 100-year-old government structure to become more representative and responsive.
  • Truth & Reconciliation Commission:  Empower a central citizen body with staff to methodically examine Arlington’s past and propose restorative action for the future.